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Education Minister calls for practising Arts and Aesthetics along with Science

"Only practising science is not adequate for the development of students but aesthetics should also be added to the education system. Now we often get to know that learning STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) is important. These are not enough alone and so it should include Arts and Aesthetics,” said Minister of Education, Dr Dipu Moni at an event at Jahangirnagar University (JU).

“The whole thing should be turned from STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) to STEAM ((Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts/Aesthetics and Mathematics). Because once a philosopher said that mathematics is beauty. And in order to understand this beauty, practising aesthetics is also important.”

Dipu Moni came up with the remark while speaking as the chief guest at the Prize Giving Ceremony of the 8th National Math Olympiad & Meritorious Honour organised by Jahangirnagar University Science Club on July 30.

In her speech at the Zahir Raihan Auditorium of the university, the minister also said, "Many people now criticise the new education policy. There are many mediums of education. Books are not the only medium. Teachers are not the only source. Textbooks are often boring. Care should be taken to make them attractive. The curriculum is designed in such a way that textbooks are fun, languages ​​are easy."

Minister of Education called to be prepared for the fourth industrial revolution. Dipu Moni said, "in the present era, we must prepare for the fourth industrial revolution. Although there are many uncertainties, we are ready to take on that challenge."

About the ongoing load shedding, she added, "Today, there is a little load shedding in the country, but it is because of a war. First corona pandemic and just after that, a war. Because of that war, the price of fuel increased a lot. We have full capacity for power generation. However, this electricity production will be expensive now and if we continue to use or waste electricity as before, our expenses will increase a lot.”

Vice Chancellor of JU, Professor Md Nurul Alam presided over the ceremony. In his speech, he said, "The education minister has revolutionised the education sector. There has been development in every place in the country. JU is in touch with the development also. The Prime Minister has given a budget of Tk 1400 crore, which is the highest since the establishment of the university.” 

“During the pandemic, the students performed their educational activities online. It reduced session congestion," added the VC.

Pro Vice-Chancellor (Administration) Professor Sheikh Md Monzurul Huq, Treasurer Prof. Rasheda Akhtar, Benazir Rahmed MP, Prof. Ajit Kumar Mazumder and Chief Advisor of Science Club Prof. Alamgir Kabir spoke as special guests at the prize distribution ceremony jointly hosted by Ariful Islam Arif and Salsabil Zerin. 

Laik Sajjad Endellah, President of JU Teachers' Association and Professor of Mathematics, A A Mamun Abdullah Al Mamun, a prominent physicist of the country and professor of physics at JU also spoke emphasising the importance of mathematics and science on the occasion.

Jahangirnagar University Science Club (JUSC) organised the '8th JUSC National Math Olympiad-2022' on the theme of "Goniter Majhe Bigganer Bas, Gonite Kori Medhar Bikash" (Science lies in mathematics, growing in intellects in mathematics.) 

More than 5,000 students from 6th to 12th grade from more than 150 educational institutions participated in the Olympiad. In the event, awards were given to 30 students from different schools and colleges in five categories for each class.