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How to Embrace Black Box Thinking in the Workplace


Job Life

Like it or not, we all make mistakes in the workplace. But such setbacks don’t have to be disastrous. Using something known as “black box thinking,” you can turn mistakes and failures into positive l


The Power of Documentation in the Workplace



As a passionate writer, a naturally forgetful person, and a self-confessed control freak, I have always believed in the power of documentation, especially in the workplace. Documentation is a vital tool for enhancing productivity, accountabil


Operational Debt: What It is and Why It Matters


Job Life

In the busyness of everyday life, it’s easy to adopt a “do it later” mindset, especially when tasks seem small or insignificant. However, this approach can lead to something called “operational


How to Deal with Professional Development Overload


Job Life

The Eat Your Career community is full of passionate learners, and I’m one too. We love to soak up new information and expand our horizons. But there’s a point when being an enthusiastic learner can turn in