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সাইকোলজিস্ট না সাইকিয়াট্রিস্ট, দু’টি কি একই পেশা না আলাদা? জেনে নিন খুঁটিনাটি


Career Information

অনেকেই মনোবিদ (সাইকোলজিস্ট) এবং মনোচিকিৎসক (সাইকিয়াট্রিস্ট)-এর পেশা দু’টিকে গুলিয়ে ফেলেন। মানসিক স্বাস্থ্য নিয়ে কাজ করলেও দু’টি পেশার মধ্যে যে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ফারাক রয়েছে, তা অনেকেরই জানা নেই।


Hybrid work: If you’re not experimenting, you’re failing


Career Information

Two years ago, if you asked people to define a workday, most would have said they spend 8 hours at the office, maybe with a lunch break, and a commute of varying distance. That was then. Now, it has all changed: where people work, the hours they work,


Survey data show loyalty to employers is down


Career Information

Employee engagement is dropping amid a tight labor market. It’s been a problem since the start of 2021, and it’s an indication employees just aren’t that into their employers right now. At least not the same way they were a year ago.


Night Before The Interview Checklist


Career Information

For even the most extroverted among us, interviews can be nerve-racking. You have to speak publicly about your work history, submit yourself to the judgement of others, and run the risk of failure and embarrassment. Added to these common anxiety trigge