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A culture of appreciation boosts performance


Career Information

Given the ongoing war for talent among employers, it’s important to reject the notion that people are motivated purely by money. More important is how people are treated and whether they feel genuinely appreciat


Why Do We Care What Others Think About Our Work Choices?


Career Information

You may be surprised to read this, but I am often in conversations with people struggling to make sense of work. Yup, a real shocker. I’m a career coach. And I have a reputation for counseling people about their


5 Industries Teachers Will Love


Career Information

Teaching is arguably one of the most challenging careers out there. For some, it’s a life calling that lures them away from other industries. But what if you’re already a teacher who is looking for a caree


Job seekers are looking for the perfect match


Career Information

Job seekers typically zero in on the basics of pay, benefits, and work-life balance. But wise ones will focus on the most important step of the process: making sure their prospective employer is a suitable workplace c