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5 ways to succeed during your screening interview


We want you to be successful. So, here are a few things you can do to help move from the phone-interview stage with a recruiter to the next step in the process—a meeting with the hiring manager.

Here are five tips for a successful screening interview:

1. Be prepared. Do your homework about the company and the job, and make sure your interview environment is prepped for success.

  • Research the organization and culture so you know questions to ask about what’s important to you, including company values, work environment and management styles.
  • Understand the job description and scope of work, so you can ask the right questions and determine if the role is aligned with your career aspirations.
  • Prepare your interview environment. Limit distractions, and use headphones/earpieces to eliminate potential background noise. Have a backup plan in case of unexpected technological glitches; this will showcase your agility and problem-solving skills.

2. Speak succinctly about your background. When asked to give a high-level overview of your qualifications, be prepared to talk through your career history in a succinct manner. We want to hear about your previous roles, why you left and what you’ve done in your career that relates to the job for which you are applying. Be concise, but go into more detail if requested. If you’re unclear about a question, just ask! We are always happy to clarify, which can help you provide a better response to the question.

3. Make a connection. One of the biggest mistakes people make in phone and virtual interviews is not sounding energetic and excited enough. Since the interviewer may not be able to see you in person, you have to work extra hard to show that you’re enthusiastic about the role. You can make a connection with your recruiter by reviewing their LinkedIn profile ahead of time. Ask why they enjoy working for the company and what keeps them there. The most successful calls feel more like a conversation than an interview. And don’t forget to smile. Smiling can make you feel positive and confident, which often radiates over the phone.
4. Ask what’s next. Be sure to ask about the next steps in the process. We will let you know when you can expect a response from us, what the next step will be and even give you an outline of the overall interview process. Ask if the recruiter has further questions or any concerns about your qualifications that are necessary to move forward in the process. Often, we can provide real-time feedback that will help you get to the next level.

5. A short thank you goes a long way. As someone who has worked in the recruiting space for a number of years, I can tell you that thank-you notes from candidates are few and far between. Sending a follow-up note expressing your interest and thanking us for our time can go a long way. And if you felt that you didn’t answer a question in the best way during the virtual call, use the note to shed more light on why you feel you’re a good fit for the opportunity.

Don't get discouraged if you don’t get to the next step in the interview process. You can always follow up when you see additional roles within the organization that may be better aligned to your qualifications.
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