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Career Advice

6 Reasons to Consider a Career in Marketing


1. There’s plenty of variety.
As I said, pretty much every company these days needs a marketing specialist or team, which means, if you break into marketing, you could potentially work within pretty much any industry out there you could imagine!
That’s pretty exciting and means your role is not likely to get stale at least!
If you joined an agency, your role will be even more varied because you’ll work across a few different products and they could be in all kinds of industries.
One week you could be working for a Butchers shop, the next an accountancy firm.
Marketing careers also often offer opportunities to travel, attend events and network, depending on what kind and size of company you end up working for.

2. Improve your skills.
Because marketing roles vary so much and because there have been so many developments in the field in recent years, that means you’ll have an opportunity to grow a vast range of skills.
And you can choose a role that truly plays to your strengths.
For example, some marketing roles favour analysis, some necessitate technical skills like coding and design and others need creative thinkers.
There’s a role for everyone!
Though, if you’re looking to get into a management position, try to avoid getting too niche with a speciality.

3. Grow with the tech.
Technology is growing and developing faster and faster and if you’re not using it day-to-day, it can and will leave you behind so it’s worth getting your foot in the door now, rather than later.
There are so many tools at your disposal and through using them, you will gain valuable skills in other things like data analysis, coding and website-building.
Honestly, if you’re interested in the latest technologies, marketing is a great career to get into, to keep yourself up to date.

4. Remote working opportunities.
Marketing roles can easily be performed remotely, because everything is online.
That means that once you’ve got some experience and skills behind you, you could choose to freelance or become a contractor and work for companies around the world if you so wish, whilst earning a tidy sum too.
I’m not saying this is the most important thing when it comes to making your decision on a career but it is definitely an appealing factor to getting into the industry.
And even if you’re not ready to go straight into freelancing, many companies offer marketing professionals the opportunity to work from home, either full time, or for set days a week, making these careers more flexible.

5. There are plenty of jobs out there.
Though you could complain about a saturated job market and rue the waves of competition that inevitably await you, it’s better to have a bunch of opportunities and face competition than no opportunities at all!
And there will always be more vacancies opening up, as tech progresses and more people come round to the idea of Digital Marketing.

6. Good salaries.
At the end of the day, we all want to know what the salary is!
The boom that the marketing industry has seen in recent years has also unsurprisingly translated into decent salary expectations for many marketers, with the average Marketing Manager in the UK earning £42,000.
However, top marketing managers can earn six figures.
Although compensation will undeniably vary from city to city and specialism to specialism, you’ll be joining an industry that is going through an economic boom, and that is never a bad idea if you’ve got a high salary in mind!

collected from coburgbank

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