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Keys to Working Smart in Customer Service


Job Life

As most customer service agents know, multitasking is an inherent part of the job. Many times, it is a requirement mentioned in customer service job descriptions. Ultimately, multitasking is about working smartly. Whe


Staying Healthy in Customer Service


Job Life

Among all our priorities in life, health is always something that we are guilty of pushing to the backseat. However, it is necessary to understand that without good health, none of our other priorities would matter. W


Why Customer Service Is A Great Start To Your Career


Career Advice

Customer service is one of those industries that do not lose their sheen, no matter what age or era. Until we have businesses offering products and services, we will have customer service. This ever-green sector provi


Simple Ways For Better Communication At Work


Career Advice

One of the key things required to function properly as an adult human being is communication. It is required everywhere—from the local grocer to work meetings. Your life is as smooth as your communication to oth